Hair : Beautiful on the head, unsightly on the rest of the body.
Do you have unwanted hair on your body, causing you to lose your self-confidence? Are you fed up with frequent waxing, threading, shaving and depilatory creams? Do you seek a more permanent solution to your problems? Then laser hair reduction is the option for you.
Laser hair reduction is the process by which light of a particular wavelength is used to target the hair, thereby destroying it. It was first used in 1995, after which there have been many advances in laser technology, making it extremely safe and convenient to the patient .
About the procedure
The unwanted hair which is to be removed is shaved and cooled prior to the laser treatment. Protective eyewear is given to the patients, treating doctor and staff. Then the laser beam is focused on the hair, which is destroyed by a process of selective Photothermolysis. Procedure time varies depending upon the size of the site to be treated. Patients may require at least 4-6 sessions to attain up to 80% permanent hair reduction.
Recovery and healing
It is a simple office procedure that has no downtime. The laser penetrates only up to the level of the skin therefore there are no systemic side effects. Patient is advised to follow adequate sun-protective measures after the procedure.
With the advent of safer machinery, the incidence of side effects have become rare. Some of them are-
- Transient erythema/redness
- Transient swelling
- Burns
- Acneiform eruptions
- Hyper/hypopigmentation of skin.